Frequent questions - Smartmessaging✉️

Which email address sends outgoing emails from Xplor Resamania ?

The sender is always "". For reasons of maintaining the domain (spam), it will always be this address.

To which email are replies to outgoing emails from Xplor Resamania sent?
Always to the club address defined in the Club Settings in the back office.
What is the sender name for SMS and Email?
Always the club name, which can be configured in the Smartmessaging Settings. You can also define a sender name for SMS messages and emails.
When can members use SMS Stop?
The SMS opt-out is provided for and available in the case of marketing communications (and the unsubscribe link in the e-mail is available when creating the e-mail template): it is compulsory in the case of marketing communications.
Is a specific ISP blocking email reception?

Before contacting our support service, please check the following points: Preliminary checks Before making a Jira, check the following points:

1) The email must be "Unread" from Smartmessaging

2) The problem is repeated on several addresses from the same supplier.

3) The club address must be entered in the Club Settings Backoffice.

When is the activity booking reminder sent?

For the reminder campaign in hours, if you indicate "1" hour in the field, the class at 16:30, the email goes out at 16:00, if the class at 16:50, the email goes out at 16:00. We therefore recommend that you indicate 2 hours if you want the message to be sent at least one hour in advance.


For the day reminder campaign, if you enter "1" day in the field, the class is 25 November, the campaign will start on 24 November at the time scheduled in the campaign planning step.


How can members indicate they agree to receive communications from the club ?
Members indicate that they agree to receive communications from the club when they register at the club (tablet or reception) or when they register online. To find out more, read this article.
How to automate opt-in validation after a sale (available soon)
Once a sale has been validated and the prospect has become a customer, it is possible to automatically validate the information, partner and sales opt-ins in the customer file via the two main channels: SMS and email. To find out more about this feature, read this article.
What is special about the legal opt-in?
On the member form, the legal opt-in is checked by default and cannot be unchecked. To find out more, read this article.
What is special about commercial opt-in?
On each commercial campaign, an unsubscribe or Stop SMS link will be visible and the client will be able to unsubscribe from the list of clients who have accepted the commercial opt-in. To find out more, read this article.
How to use tag filters?

The filter on membership or bolt-on tags will show all members who have OR have had tags. To show only customers who currently have tags, use the date filters. In the same way, you can use the date filters to find out whether a customer cancelled ten days ago.

Can you customise the background colour of a template?

You can add images and logos and customise the text, but the editor does not allow you to customise the background colour of a template.

Can a campaign be set up to target clients who have never visited before?

With the automated > Entries campaign, you can send an email based on the number of times a client has passed through your site over a given period (day, month, etc). With this campaign, you want to target clients who have made at least X number of entries; you can't trigger a campaign that reaches 0. We therefore advise against putting 0 in the field. To find out more, read this article.

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