Everything about Memberships of the type 'Holiday Camp'! 📆

Specific memberships can be marketed for summer courses or club activity days. As such, the specificity of this membership is that it allows you to bring out the listing that enables you to:

  • identify the people to be booked on the planning for the scheduled class
  • useful information for trainees who are minors (permission to leave the premises, trusted adult, telephone number)

This article explains how to create a Holiday Camp membership and retrieve the listing for these memberships.

How to set up a "Holiday Camp" type membership ? ⚙️

From Settings > Catalogue > Memberships, all you have to do is create a membership as usual, paid by monthly, weekly or cash direct debit, specifying the type of membership as "Holiday Camp- book the beneficiary in the planning after the sale".

Need to manage waiting lists for this type of membership?⌛️

You will then need to set a sales quota on the membership price. Once this quota has been reached, interested members will be able to indicate their interest without being able to book, as there are no more places available and a waiting list system has been set up (see ‘How to manage the waiting list for this type of membership? ⌛’).

add a sales quota.png


Pay attention to the membership name ⚠️

Once it has been sold, the membership will have no distinctive sign to identify it as a "Holiday Camp". You therefore need to give it an explicit name if you want to identify it easily on the member file, or set up specific keywords when you create it.

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A few checks before marketing this type of membership💡

  • Don't forget that the duration of the membership can be indicated in days or months, i.e. if the course is to last one week, you can indicate seven days in the duration field, without any problem.

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  • Make sure that the membership keywords allow you to book for activities by checking the configuration of your booking rights. Also, make sure that the course slot is correctly created on the schedule.
How to market a "Holiday Camp" membership 🛒
  • The sale will take place as usual. To review the sales process at the club, click here. To view the online sales process, click here.
  • ⚠️Exit Authorizations: if a course is aimed at minors, you can indicate on the member file whether the minor may leave alone or must leave accompanied, and with whom. To review how to manage exit authorisations, click here. The information about the permission to leave will appear in the listing mentioned in the last part of this article.
  • Depending on the process established at the club, it may be desirable to book the person on the planning at the end of the sale.
How to retrieve the list of "Holiday Camp" members📜
Simply go to the Management > Management export menu and find the export named "Campus: list of participants":

CAMPUS 6.png

To easily find information on one or more specific classes, target the date of the class slots on the planning and export :

campus export.png

The export will then contain the following information about Holiday Camp memberships, enabling bookings to be validated on the planning and information about course participants to be retrieved:
  • Names and first names of the people
  • Name of the club
  • Telephone number
  • Email
  • Name of the Holiday Camp membership
  • Name of the membership price offer 
  • Date of purchase
  • Bolt-on (if any)
  • Trusted adult authorised for the outing
  • Is going out without a trusted adult allowed? Yes or No
How to manage the waiting list for this type of membership?⌛

A ‘Holiday Camp’ type membership is mainly used to enable members to book a specific period of classes in the planning schedule. For example, these periods may cover a period of 1, 2 or 3 months, or even longer.

When all the places available for that period have been booked, in other words when the sales quota defined in the configuration has been reached, it is useful to be able to add interested members to a waiting list. This feature makes it easier to manage bookings, as it makes it easy to contact these members again as soon as a place becomes available.

⚠️Cancellation management

If you are going to use the waiting list with this feature, in order to have the most relevant information possible, you should cancel the sale rather than cancelling the membership in the event of cancellations. This is because cancelling a sale increments the quota and makes it easy to keep track of vacancies on this type of membership.

This optimises both the member experience and the management of class availability.

⌛A member is interested, but there's no more vacancy?
  • In the back office, when the activity is selected in the sales tunnel, once the membership's sales quota has been reached, it can be marked as interested.
  • In the member area, if they are logged in as a prospect or member, when choosing an activity they can select the option ‘Notify me if a vacancy opens up’.


  • If they have not yet booked with the club and are on the way to booking, they will also be able to select ‘Notify me if a vacancy opens up’, and will then have to fill in a form with their contact details, authorisations to communicate and validation of the legal points.Identification UK.png
  • In all cases, once the member has been informed of his or her interest, a note will appear on the member file indicating his or her interest in the product.

contact interested.png

  • To get an overview of interested contacts...

All the notes of interest for classes can then be accessed from the Notes list, by filtering on the type of note. This makes it easy to find members interested in Holiday Camp memberships.

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It is also possible to use the Campus - Contact Tank export to list contacts interested in a holiday camp membership, based on notes saved in the system.

The export contains the following information: surname, first name, status (member or prospect), unique ID, email, mobile phone, age, date added to the contact pool, date the note was created, and active membership (empty if none exists). It also includes details such as the subject of the note (‘Interested in’), associated trusted adults, the content of the note, the name of the campus offer, and the membership club. This data makes it possible to efficiently track contacts interested in taking out a membership.

  • For an overview of vacant Holiday Camp memberships...

The catalogue export provides information on the sales quota and therefore on the vacant memberships. Simply add new filters before generating the export.export.png

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