You’re launching a new campaign with Smartmessaging. Select “+”, a screen dedicated to the new campaign opens. First step: define the target of the campaign.
First, identify which type of campaign to implement (Action, Planning, Sales, Business, Member loyalty, Re-launch) and which clients you intend to affect. According to the type of campaign you’ll choose, various fields must be filled out to target more efficiently the future recipients.
Here, select Re-launch when renewing a membership coming to an end.
Select the type of campaign. You’ll be redirected to the page on which you will select the Name of the campaign.
Please find below the different types of campaigns:
-Login details request : this campaign enables you to create a customised email when a member makes a login details request (username, connection URL and resetting password link).
-Digital signing of documents : this campaign enables to send a message including a code when a member wants to sign a contract or a membership via SMS or email, a mandate, ...
-Confirming suspension: This campaign enables to send a confirmation message about the suspension
-Cancellation of a mandate: This campaigns enables to inform a member when their mandate is cancelled
-Sending contracts: This campaign enables to send contracts to members when requested
-Confirming membership cancellation: This campaign enables to send a confirmation message about the cancellation of a membership
-Renewing a membership coming to an end : this campaign aims to contact again members with fixed-term contract memberships whose end date is coming or has just come and have them renew their membership.
-Renewing a package coming to an end : this campaign aims to contact again members with packages whose end date is coming.
-Renewing a package nearly over: this campaign aims to follow up members whose packages have reached a defined limit in term of units, and encourage them to renew their packages.
-Member Referral: this campaign enables to communicate with the referrer and the referral. Find out more about the Member Referral feature here.
-Birthdays : this campaign aims to contact members to wish them their birthday.
-Contact again a member whose membership has just begun : this campaign enables to send a customised message when a member has been owning a membership for a few days.
-Number of entries over a period: Number of member entries over a given period (day, month, etc.). Please note: If your club does not use the timer on entry points, all entries will be taken into account, even if the member has entered the club, then left for whatever reason and wants to return to the club.
Example: Congratulate regular members (for example, those who have reached a certain number of entries in a month) to reinforce their attachment to the club.
-No-show for a given number of days: This campaign allows you to send a personalised message to members who have not made an entry for a given number of days. Note that an attempted entry (a refused entry) is considered to be an entry.
Example: Send a message like ‘We've noticed that you haven't visited us for a while. Join us and get a free class to get you back on track!’
-Members who have not visited a particular club for a given number of days: This campaign sends a personalised message to members who have not visited a particular club for a given number of days. Note that an attempted entry (a refused entry) is considered to be an entry.
Example: A member who is active in another of the brand's clubs has not visited club ‘A’ for 45 days. A campaign is launched to promote a new offer specific to this club, such as a renovated room or a local event.
-Member's registration : this campaign will enable you to generate a customised email when a member wants to make a booking.
-Member's registration to a waiting list : this campaign will enable to generate a customised email when a member registers to a waiting list.
-Booking notification : This campaign will enable me to create a personalised email that will be sent to members registered for a booking a certain number of days or a certain number of hours before the booking.
Useful information
This campaign is available in days or hours.
For the reminder campaign in hours, if you indicate "1" hour in the field, the class at 16:30, the email leaves at 16:00, if the class is at 16:50, the email leaves at 16:00. We therefore recommend that you indicate 2 hours if you want the message to be sent at least one hour in advance.
For the day recall campaign, if we indicate "1" day in the field, the course is 25 November, the campaign will start on 24 November at the scheduled time at the planning the campaign step.
-Member's unsubscribing : this campaign will enable you to generate a customised email when a member unsubscribes from a registration.
-Member's unsubscribing from a waiting list : this campaign will enable you to generate a customised email when a member unsubscribes from a waiting list.
-Going from the waiting list to the booking list : this campaign will enable you to generate a customised email when a member goes from the waiting list to the booking list.
-Contact again a client who has just became a member : this campaign aims to reach clients who just became members. For example, a member has just bought a membership, and you wish to thank them for their trust in the club. You may send them a customised email.
-Contact again a member after creating their member file : this campaign aims to reach members according to the number of days that went by since their member file was created, separately from status change. For example, you may send an email right after creating the member file to thank them and guide them towards their member area (by including a generating password link to the email for example).
-Contact again a member who has just become a former member : this campaign aims to reach members who have just become former members, according to the number of days since their last entry. It enables to keep in touch with former members and make them come back to the club.
-Notify a member that their health certificate expired : it aims at informing members about the expiration of their health certificate.
-Notify a change in status to a member : it aims at sending an email to a member who has just changed to a specific status.
-Notify a member whose bank card has expired: it aims at informing members whose bank cards have expired.
-Absent from booked sessions (No-Show)
Please re-launch a member according to the sessions they booked and from which they were absent.
-Absent from booked sessions during a period of time (No-Show)
Please re-launch a member according to the session they booked and from which they were absent during a period of time.
-Payment rejection : this campaign will enable you to generate a customised email every time a payment is rejected. You may join to this template a redirect link to the member area. The member will be able to settle the payment rejection.
Defining the SMS sending times - Read it carefully ⚠️
The last boxes you can tick enable you to define whether you wish to send (or not) the SMS issued from campaigns out of time restrictions.
- By default, SMS are sent from 9.00 am to 10.00 pm (time range changeable from Smartmessaging settings). If you wish to postpone these SMS to the next day, please tick the first box.
- The second box enables you to ignore time restrictions when sending SMS. The SMS will be sent no matter the time restrictions defined by default or in Smartmessaging settings. We recommend to keep this box ticked for campaigns related to signing contract for example. If the member registers out of the sending times set by default, they will receive the SMS in all cases, which is expected in the case of signing a contract when it is a self registration.
Please choose the name of the campaign. It is paramount to choose an obvious name, namely if you intend to generate several similar campaigns.
Please also choose the distribution channel (the optin: authorisation to communicate). By default, optins are already predefined for the campaigns. It is important to set optins conscientiously based on the real subject of your message (a confirming message will appear if you decide to choose the 'legal' optin type).
Please define the target of the campaign. Required criteria are directly suggested and must be filled in.
They vary according to the campaign. You may add complementary criteria to define the target more accurately if needed. You may segment according to your members’ age and gender for example.
Good to know: so the criteria fields are cumulative between entire fields. (members of the club Warriors House AND whose membership is over within 15 days. In the same field, if one member is concerned by one of the characteristics then s/he will be sent the email. The member should have the SUPERHEROES membership.
For example, in the case above, the message will be sent to members of the club Warriors House whose membership is over withing 15 days and who have the tag 'superheroes'.
Please click on Next when the criteria are defined.
There are manifold targeting criteria in Resamania. According to the chosen campaign, some will be compulsory. However, you may add some complementary criteria if you wish to. Please find below every available segmenting criterion.
-List of concerned clubs : this criterion may be used for clubs owning one or several clubs in Resamania. It enables to know to which club the member is a member (viewable on the member file).
-Members’ status : you may provide your members’ status to thoroughly customise your campaign.
-Members’ title : (for example, you may provide Madam if you want to only send your campaign to women).
-Members’ age : I can inform about the member's age I want to target. (ex. under 50, over 40 ...)
-Members’ memberships OR packages : you may provide the memberships OR packages the member has to own to receive the campaign.
-Members' memberships AND packages : you may provide the memberships AND packages the member has to own to receive the campaign.
-The creation channel: you can provide the creation channel of the member file (Club, API, Online Joining, Kiosk, Import).
-Members’ attendance: you may provide the members' attendance (ex. I only target the members who have entered at least three times over the last 15 days).
-Members’ booking : you may provide here the number of bookings and the activities during a given period of time. It enables to filter the members who barely book or do not book at all.
-Rejection group : you may provide the rejection group in Xplor Gym so as to define your email sending at best.
-Number of payment rejections (per rejection group): you may provide how many times a member experienced a rejection per rejection group so as to define your email sending at best. (ex. target your members based on the number of consecutive rejections on a rejection group like unsufficient provision)
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