Smartmessaging To-do list : emails to be configured when starting with Resamania V2 🚀

Smartmessaging enables to communicate with your club members. If some communications aim at marketing merely, other campaigns are useful to manage your club smoothly. This article focuses on these campaigns so please think of configuring them when you start with Resamania V2.

Good to know

In this article you will not learn how to configure the useful campaigns from A to Z. Other articles are available here (automated campaigns) and there (one-off campaigns).


The unescapable campaigns : no matter your situation ⚠️

coche.JPGAutomated campaign to send an invoice

Your members may ask you for the after sale invoices. From the member file, at several places, you are suggested to send the invoice by email.

This email must be activated in Smartmessaging and can be customised. To do so, please go to Smartmessaging > Automated campaigns > + > Choose the sending invoices campaign in the Action category. 


coche.JPGAutomated campaign to send a contract

Your members may ask you for membership contracts or sessions package after sales you have made. After making the sale, from the Invoices tab in the member file, you are suggested to send the membership contract to the member by email.

This email must be activated in Smartmessaging and can be customised. To do so, please go to Smartmessaging > Automated campaigns > + > Choose the sending contracts campaign in the Action category. 


The campaign to explain how to log in to the member area 🏋️

The member area is configured on your instance, your members will soon be able to book their classes on the schedule. So you wish to inform them about how to log in and book from their member area. Two campaigns can be configured in this case : the one to members who are already present in the database and the one to be sent automatically when a prospect becomes a member. 

mceclip2__26_.png I configure a one-off campaign for the whole members present in the database today ...

I create a one-off campaign that I can name 'Member area opening'. 

> Selection of filters :

I filter on the clubs concerned by the campaign and on the 'member' status. Here, for example, the email will be sent to all the active members of the club Float Like a Butterfly.  


> Selection of fields:

Here, I choose the fields that I wish to see in the result list of recipients : ticking 'Email for information' or 'SMS for information' enables to know who will really get the communication campaign according to the chosen optins. 


> Tags and information to be added in the template :

The tags to use in the body of the email for the member to know all the useful information are as follow : link to set password, email address and link to the login portal.


Once this communication sent, the members present in the database will have no difficulty to log in to their club member area and access their personal information or documents. 

mceclip4__12_.png I configure an automated campaign that will be sent to prospects who have just become members ...

I create an automated campaign of the type 'Contact a subscriber who has just become a member'.  I can name it 'Communication new members - Schedule' for example. 


> Target :

I communicate with people who have just become members in the club Float Like a Butterfly.


> Indispensable contents and tags :

Tags to be used in the body of the email for members to get all the useful information are as follow : link to set password, email address and link to the login portal.


I can also communicate with members about the download links of the mobile V2 Resamania application.

- On Apple Store (Apple)

- On Play Store (Android)

The mobile V2 Resamania application and the mobile Resamania application are two different applications.

The campaign 'Lost password' in the member area. 🤦🏻

A member has lost her/his password or wishes to define it herself/himself by clicking on 'Lost password' in the login screen in the member area. By default, if you have not configured anything yourself in Smartmessaging, the following campaign is sent to the member. 


This campaign can be customised with your club colours. If this is what you expect, please follow the steps indicated in this article ...


An additional configuration must be done in Resamania, so that this campaign should be taken into account and not the campaign by default. Please contact the customer service once you have followed the steps below and ask them to activate the use of this campaign. 





I name the campaign, for example 'Lost password'.


I target all the members of the club concerned, for example 'Float like a butterfly'.



For example I can take a generic template.



It is also possible to change the contents of the campaign (text and layout). It is important to think of integrating the tag to reset password. 


We finalise the campaign configuration then contact Resamania to say that priority must be on this new configuration but not the configuration by default. 

Campaigns related to registrations for activities 🗓️

Does your club offer activities ? When a member registers for an activity, the best thing to do is send her/him a registration confirmation (and unsubscription if needed).

Bonus on these campaigns

These campaigns also enable the member, by default, to add the time slot in her/his pda (Google diary, Mail with Apple...). The time slot suggestion appears in the same email as the one confirming the registration.

To find out this campaign, please go to the automated campaigns > + > Campaigns of the type Planning > Registration for an activity. At the same stage, it is recommended to create unsubscription campaigns. 



If your schedule works on waiting lists ...

The best is to configure a campaign to move from the waiting list to the main list so as members in the waiting list should be informed of the change to the main list of the time slot and the possibility to attend this activity.

The campaign informing about the rejection of direct debits 💸

If you make direct debits, the campaign informing about the rejection of direct debits is unescapable. It enables to inform the member about the direct debit that has been rejected. To set it, please go to Automated campaigns > + > Sales > Rejection of direct debits. 


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