The financial tab enables to give a clear view on everything occurred with a client financially. The information communicated in this tab enables to understand whether the member is in one of the following situations :
- Everything is fine, there is nothing to declare about the member's financial state.
- The member owes some money.
- The member shows some incidents.
- The member has some available money (credit note or overpayment) and can use it.
Get informed about your members' financial health
How to access the financial view ?
A member's financial tab is accessible from the member file, click on the three dots and select Financial.
Then you get to this window :
Once in the financial tab, you can get informed about the member's main financial indicators.
What about the turnover generated by the member since registration?
Does the member owe money to the club or does the club owe money to the member ?
Is the member still a debtor ?
Some examples to explain the gaps between the amount to be paid and the amounts to be used :
In the case of a £100- invoice with future dues, the amount to be paid will be £100 and the late amount will be £0.
In the case of a £19- invoice in late payment for one month and a £50- credit note to be used, the amount to be used will be 50-19=£31 and the late amount will be £19. If you use the £50-credit note on the invoice, the amount to be used will be £31 and the late amount will be £0.
In the case of a £19- invoice in late payment for one month and a £5- credit note to be used, the amount to be paid will be £14 and the late amount will be £19. If you use the £5- credit note on the invoice, the amount to be paid will be £14 and the late amount will be £14.
Has the member had or does the member still have arrears ?
Analyse a situation or a specific element in the member's life.
How to use the filters in the financial tab correctly?
Using the first filter, you can show the elements according to the period of the history in the member file:
Useful information: how do dates work ?
'Last month' /Last week' : if it is January, it is the period from the 1st to the 31st December (included) which is taken into account. It is the same with 'Last week', it is Thursday this week, it is the period from Monday to Sunday (included) of last week which will be taken into account.
'Current month' / 'This week' : if it is the 5th January, it is the period from the 1st to the 5th January included which will be taken into account. The same for 'This week', it is Thursday, it is the period from this Monday to this Thursday included.
'The last 3 months' / 'The last 6 months' : if it is January, it is the whole months of October, November and December and the part of January already past which will be taken into account, for the last 6 months, July, August and September will also be taken into account.
Using the second filter, you can also show the elements according to the type of operation in the member file:
Among the filters, two of them are important for a good daily management:
- Current operations correspond to invoices, credit notes, payments and refunds (including operations to be settled, except terminations and payment incidents).
- Cancellations only are all types of termination (invoices, credit notes, payments, etc).
- Incidents only are payment incidents : for example, an incident for a Direct Debit rejection.
- All the operations enable to show the whole financial elements existing on the member's member file.
The last filter enables to target according to the type of elements : invoice, credit note, payment, incident or refund. Once selected the type of element, you can filter according to the item name. For example, if you want to get to 12-month memberships, you will enter 12 months in the field appearing after selecting the element :
How to read the filtered indicators ?
According to the chosen filters, the elements will appear in the space provided just below :
So you can see the number and amount of invoices and credit notes corresponding to the filters and the payments, refunds and incidents (current or past).
If you have selected several filters, the criteria of these filters get added to give a result corresponding to all filters. So the indicators indicated in this part of the financial view exactly correspond to the filters you have indicated, as much detailed as possible (example: if you enter '12 months' in the field 'Search in an invoice', you will only see the elements containing lines which show the mention '12 months').
Sometimes you may see an alert appearing with a tooltip at the level of the indicator of the late invoices and the amount due of the incident invoices. Indeed, those two amounts do not take into account incidents which are partially settled, however if you have some, the 'Alert' on the top right of the indicator enables you to know about it and you can go to the incident and find out the information.
How to analyse the detail of elements issued from the filters?
Clicking on the line of the appearing elements, you get to the detail.
When a payment is crossed on an invoice, it means that it is detached from it or has been cancelled. If, in addition, it is subject to an incident, the date of the incident will be precised in red.
How to find an invoice associated with the sale of an item/service in particular ?
From the financial menu in the member file, select the search arrow. Next, select the type of accounting subject you look for and indicate the name of the targeted item.
>Example #1 : You look for the invoices containing the item 'bottle of water".
>Example # 2 : You look for the invoices and credit notes related to the Full training membership.
How to easily find the elements requiring an action ?
This question refers to the invoices in progress, late or in incident, to credit notes to use and to payments to use.
Go to the financial tab in the member file and filter to show the operations to be settled from the beginning.
Take an action to solve a problem
How to act on a financial element?
From the three dots of the financial elements (invoices, credit notes, payments, etc), it is possible to make the whole financial actions you can usually make from the tabs Payments and Invoices in the member file.
To act on an element, please just click on the three dots of its line. You will then get to the whole possible actions on that element :
What are the possible actions from the different elements ?
Good to know
All the actions indicated below can also be made from the tabs Invoices and Payments in the member file.
> From an invoice :
- See the complete invoice
- Send the invoice by email
- Print the invoice
- Print the receipt
- Settle the invoice
- Use a credit note
- Create a credit note
- Cancel the invoice
> From a payment :
- See the original payment
- Print the receipt
- Refund the overpayment (if an overpayment is present on the payment)
- Edit the payment (before the cash closing)
- Cancel a payment (before the cash closing)
- Declare an incident (after the cash closing)
- Use the overpayment on a future due
> From a refund :
- See the original refund
- Print the receipt
- Cancel the refund
> From a credit note :
- See the original credit note
- Print the credit note
- See the original invoice
- Print the original invoice
- Refund the credit note
- Use the credit note on a future due
> From an incident :
- See the incident
- Settle the incident
- Cancel an incident
- Close an incident without payment
Example #1 - How to settle an invoice ?
Select the three dots of the invoice.
Select 'Settle the invoice'.
Next you will get to the selecting screen of debts and due dates. Select 'Validate'.
Then you get to the payment screen to create the payment. Finally please select the payment method used by the client and select 'Confirm'.
The invoice is settled.
Example # 2 : How to create a credit note from an invoice ?
Select the three dots of the invoice.
Select 'Create a credit note'.
Enter the amount of the credit note and select 'Validate'.
The credit note is created and can be seen in Financial:
It could be used to settle an existing invoice, a future purchase or it could be refunded.
Useful information
The amounts indicated in Financial also take into acount the balances which were migrated from the former software to Xplor Gym, when there was a migration.
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