How to read the Cash Receipt Journal ?

The Cash Receipt Journal is part of the accounting exports usually collected each month. As for the other accounting journals, it is a document recording chronologically or continuously all the financial operations made by the club over the fiscal year.

A_SAVOIR.JPG What does this Journal look like once exported?

📄 Available in CSV or PDF

This article doesn't explain how to get the export, if you don't know how to do, please see that other article.

A_SAVOIR.JPG Which accounts are contained in this Journal ?
The temporary payment accounts and the refunds.

Here is a pattern which reminds the importance and the functionality of temporary and target payment accounts: 


A_SAVOIR.JPG Which accounting entries are contained in this Journal?

The payments (temporary accounts, non closed) and refunds are the main book entries found in this journal.

Here is an example of a payment entry contained in the journal according to the general accounting standards:





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