How to read the fiscal deferred income export ?

The deferred income export concerns the memberships/membership options in full invoicing (not recommended) and the memberships/membership options in spot payment. To calculate the deferred income, we are based on the service and the invoicing. The question we are answering here is : What was invoiced in N (2019) and will be used by the customer in N+1 (2020)?


This export does not concern the memberships and membership options which invoice concerns a period over one month.

A_SAVOIR.JPG What does the journal look like once exported?

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This article doesn't explain how to get the export, if you don't know how to do, please read that other article.

On sheet #1 of the file, we can see the start date of the end of the accounting period chosen to calculate the deferred income, and the explanation of the calculation regarding the deferred income. 

Fiscal deferred income on 30-06-2021

Rule to calculate the deferred income amount : deferred income amount = number of full months to serve * deferred income amount of a full month to serve + deferred income amount of the truncated month to serve

Deferred income amount of a full month to serve = Tax free purchasing amount / number of months of the service

Deferred income amount of the truncated month to serve = Number of days to serve on the truncated month/Total number of days of the truncated month * deferred income amount of a full month to serve.

Sheet #1 also shows the deferred income amount according to the different memberships concerned: 


  • The remaining days to use are days which will be consumed after the end date of the fiscal year.  
  • The number of memberships and options concerned by deferred income products. 
  • The deferred income amount at the end date of the indicated fiscal year. 

On Sheet #2, the detail of the whole products generating deferred income: 



  • Consideration of the invoice in deferred income 
  • Start of deferred income End of deferred income 

> These are the dates when the product invoicing is considered to calculate the deferred income. 

  • Deferred income amount on 31-07-2021
  • Purchaser's number 
  • Purchaser's name  
  • Purchaser's first name 
  • Reference : it is the invoice reference
  • Purchase amount all taxes included 
  • Purchase amount excluding taxes 
  • Product name 
  • Product code : it's the product accounting code indicated in the catalogue 
  • Keyword 
  • Legal entity 
  • Club name 
  • Payee's number 
  • Payee's name 
  • Payee's first name 

The deferred income amount has to be included manually in your accounting lines. 

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