How to transfer a member file from one club to another club ?

Within a network, it is possible to transfer member files from a home club (Club A) to a target club (Club B).

Member file transfer cases 🔍

Case 1 - The record of a prospect or former customer attached to club A needs to be transferred to another club in the network (club B). In this case, there is a function that enables the file to be transferred from one club to another by means of validation via SMS code or email.


Case 2 - A member visits another club more often than their home club. We have defined a threshold at which we indicate that the member visits another club more frequently. In this case, club A will have to cancel the member's membership to its club and club B will have to sell him a new membership.

How to transfer a prospect or a former member ? 

Configuration prerequisites (for both cases)⚙️

In either case, you'll need to check that...

✅ SMS and/or the document signature campaign is activated for emails. The code to validate the transfer will be sent by these means of communication.

KEEP 1.png

✅ The light view and member transfer have been activated. To do this, simply contact Xplor Gym's support or implementation department.

✅ From Settings > Legal & Financial > Clubs/Legal > Trade name >Indicate what you want to do with the mobile numbers of transferred members. 


drapeau_vert.pngStep 1 - The member file being created contains similar information.

If any of the information, such as surname, first name, date of birth or email, is similar to an existing member file, we are prompted to open the existing member file by clicking on "Go to existing profile".

KEEP 2.png

This opens the light member file in the back office. 

drapeau_vert.pngStep 2 - Send the validation code by email or SMS to the member. 

Once the light card has been opened, the member card can be transferred to the customer's new club (for reasons such as moving house).

Click on "Continue".

KEEP 3.png

When you click "Continue", a text message and an email are sent with a validation code.

If the telephone number is not entered...

Then only an email is sent.

KEEP 4.png

drapeau_vert.pngStep 3 - The member enters or indicates their validation code and the transfer is validated.

The target club enters the validation code that the member has received by SMS or email.

The file is transferred once this code has been validated.

Once the code has been entered and validated and the status on the existing fprofile has changed to that of lost member, the email address is replaced by a fictitious email address in the source club and the new file is created in the target club with prospect status.

KEEP 5.png

The member retains their status (prospect or former member), but their member file is transferred from the source club to the target club.

KEEP 6.png

A validation message appears, the member has been transferred and you click on "Open the new file" if you want to view it.

Worth knowing

  • Club B's member file changes to lost member status.
  • To connect to their member area on the new club (club B), final members will need to create a new password.
  • If the member has debts, an email will be sent to club A to inform them of the transfer to club B.
How to transfer an active member who visits another club more often?

To transfer an active member from one club to another, club A will have to cancel the membership and club B will have to resell a membership to the member.

The pass statistics function can be used to determine whether a customer is visiting more clubs than their home club, to the point of being considered transferable.

If this is the case, it will be indicated on the Smartview of the member card and the statistics will give more information about the proportion of visits to one club or the other.

Configuration requirements for this case⚙️

Define the period used to calculate transferability.

Go to Trade name > Entry : The entry period indicated is used to determine the length of time on which we will base our decision as to whether or not a member is transferable.

This field is used to set the minimum length of time a member must have been with us before they can be transferred. In effect, we will wait until the member has had an active membership for the entire period before considering a transfer.


✅Determining the information threshold for transferring to another club (feasible by the club)

From Club > Access control, you can specify the threshold for informing you that you are moving to another club.


A new field is added to determine the threshold at which a member is considered to be transferred. This threshold is specific to the club member concerned.

Examples to help you understand the calculation

Entry period = 4 months / Information threshold = 10 %

A member has made 100 visits to all clubs over the last 4 months. 

  1. If he has made 70 entries for club 1 and 30 for club 2: he makes 40% fewer entries for club 2 than for club 1, he is not transferable.
  2. If he has made 50 entries for club 1 and 50 for club 2: he makes the same number of entries for club 1 and club 2, he is not transferable.
  3. If he has made 45 entries in club 1 and 55 in club 2: he makes 10% more entries in club 2: the threshold is reached and he is transferable.

Other entries at several clubs?

If the member reaches this threshold in several clubs, then we will indicate that he should only be transferred to the club with the highest difference.

From here, we can see whether or not a member is 'transferable' to another club. In his club, this insert will appear at the top of the smartview:

By clicking on "Find out more", you can access the statistics for this member's entries to the various clubs. In the other club, which is not the member's home club, this box will appear:

It is then up to club A to cancel the club's membership with its club and club B to sell the player a new membership.

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