Filters of Smartmessaging one-off campaigns

You start creating a new one-off campaign and want to understand the filters you can select for this campaign.

The first thing to do is adding a first notion in the filter:

  • is/are: you search the criterion defined later 
  • is not / are not : you exclude the criterion from the search 
  • lower than: when you confiture data, it will be lower than the defined number. When you set a date, it will earlier than the selected date. 
  • less than or equal to : the same, except data included or the entered date data 
  • higher than :  when you set data, it will higher than the number defined. When you set a date, it will later than the selected date. 
  • higher than or equal to : the same, except data included or the entered date 
  • is between : includes the results between two data/dates 
  • is not between: excludes the results between two data/dates 

Next you search data to filter your campaign. Ensuite on va chercher les données pour filtrer notre campagne.

Here is the list of available filters in Smartmessaging

Filter on the member's club 

It means that you target the campaign on the club(s) whose clients will receive the campaign. 

Filter on member information 

It means that you filter on the people according to information contained in their member files: 

  • The surname 
  • The first name
  • The number of days before the birthday 
  • The age 
  • The title 
  • The phone number 
  • The email address
  • The street (address)
  • The town 
  • The postcode 
  • The creation date of their member file 
  • The company 
  • The source 
  • The motivation 
  • The objective (in the sportive profile in the member file) 
  • The creation channel of the member file (Club, API, Online Joining, Kiosk, Import). 

Filter on member status 

You search which type of client you want to contact: 

  • whose status : you search on the different types of clients (Prospect, Member, Former Member...) 
  • whose number of days since the transition to member status/former member : you search clients who became members/ former members 
  • whose date since the transition to member status/ former member: same principle here but you select a date or a period between two fixed dates. 

Filter on members 

It means that you filter the campaign according to the campaigns accepted by clients and specified in the Information tab > Communication in the member file.

  • who agree to receive commercial mail 
  • who agree to receive commercial SMS 
  • who agree to receive commercial emails 
  • who agree to receive partner mail 
  • who agree to receive partner SMS 
  • who agree to receive partner emails 
  • who agree to receive mail for information 
  • who agree to receive SMS for information
  • who agree to receive emails for information 

Filter on member no-show 

It means that you target the clients who have not come to a class. 

  • whose number of days to be taken into account : the period of no-shows
  • including the number of cancelled bookings: the number of no-shows

Filter on members who do not have a direct debit mandate 

It means that you search the clients who have taken a membership but have not given their direct debit mandate to the club yet: 

  • whose number of days since no mandate

Filter on member medical certificate 

It means that you filter on clients with a non expired medical certificate. 

  • whose number of days before the certificate expires 

Filter on clients who are currently indebted

This filters on clients with the debt tag and it is possible to select the debt start date.

  • including the start date of the debt

Filter on clients who have been indebted

This involves filtering on clients who were previously in debt (with no outstanding debt) over a period or according to the date on which the debt was settled.

  • Formerly indebted clients including the period
  • Including the date of settlement of the debt

Filter on member salesperson

It means that you filter on the salesperson specified in the member file:

  • whose current salesperson 
  • whose initial sales 

Filter on memberships 

Useful information

It is perfectly possible to use several filters of the same type and have them coexist, as in the example below.

Here, we filter on members who have a membership with the tag "fullaccess" AND a membership with the tag "box".

BOX A.png

If we had gathered the filters on the same field, we would filter on members who have a membership with the tag "fullaccess" OR who have a membership with the tag "box".

BOX B.png


It means that you filter according to the membership that you want to target or exclude from your campaign: 

  • of which tag: you enter the membership keywords 
  • whose number of days since the start 
  • whose number of days before the end 
  • the type of which is (fixed-term or open-ended): you filter on fixed-term memberships or on open-ended memberships 
  • whose number of days since the effective termination 
  • whose number of days before the engagement ends 
  • whose name (membership): you provide the membership name 
  • active (membership): you specify whether the membership is active or not.

Good to know

- The query is based on members who have OR have had these tags. If you want to display only those members who currently have the tag, you'll need to use the date filters in parallel. You can also use date filters to find out which members cancelled 10 days ago, for example.

- In the case of a membership which is removed from the catalogue, the filters and sub-filters still work. 

Filter on member bolt ons

It means that you filter on bolt-ons as you filter on memberships:

  • whose tag 
  • whose number of days since the start 
  • whose number of days before the end 
  • whose type is (fixed-term or open-ended) 
  • whose number of days since termination 

Useful information

- The query is based on customers who have OR have had these tags. If you want to display only those customers who currently have the tag, you'll need to use the date filters in parallel. You can also use date filters to find out which customers cancelled 10 days ago, for example.

- In the case of a bolt-on which is removed from the catalogue, the filters and sub-filters still work.

Filter on member packs

  • whose unit type: campaigns can be filtered only by unit type 
  • whose number of points remaining
  • whose number of days since the start 
  • whose number of days before the end 

Filter on member entries 

  • whose number of entries: the number of times when a client has come to the club
  • whose number of days since: you target the period of entries
  • whose entry area: you target an area 
  • whose entry point: you target a specific access point (turnstile, door, etc) 

Filter on member bookings 

It means that you target the campaign on the club(s) whose clients must receive the campaign: 

  • whose number of bookings: the number of classes booked by the person 
  • whose number of days since the booking: you target the period of bookings 
  • whose activity 
  • whose studio 
  • whose coach 



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