Everything about the online membership cancellation and suspension 🔍

Your members can cancel or suspend their memberships independently from the member area. This article explains how to activate this feature and which points are important to know before making the decision to open this to your members. It shows you the visible interfaces of suspensions and cancellations in the member area.


  • Activating online suspension

Go to Settings > Clubs / Legal, and click on the club concerned then on the tab 'Suspension'. After that, you should tick the box 'Allow members online memberships to be suspended'

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  • Online suspension settings

Next, define the settings of online suspensions

Indicate whether you wish suspensions made online to extend the engagement period and suspend all the member's booking rights during her/his membership suspension. (case of a membership or pack that the member would have similarly). Just tick the boxes corresponding to the rules you wish to apply.


Next, you should determine the rules concerning the suspension period and the amount of monthly payments concerned by the suspension. 

1) 'Allow full month suspension' enables to allow a suspension over a 'date to date' period  (example : from 24 November to 24 October".  If you untick the box, suspensions will not be allowed if they concern not complete months. 

Useful information

  • You cannot suspend more than 3 months and more than 4 weeks.
  • The discount applies from the due date following the beginning of the suspension 

2) 'Allow weekly suspension' enables to allow the suspension over weekly periods 

Useful information

On a weekly direct debit membership, if the monthly payment costs £20/month and we put 25% off the weekly suspension for monthly memberships, if we suspend 1 week, we put 25% off the £20, if we suspend 2 weeks we put 50% off the £20, if we suspend 3 weeks we put 75% off the £20 and if we suspend 4 weeks we put 100% off the £20. 

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Cases of Bolt-Ons and goodwill gestures

Bolt-Ons will always get to zero if we choose an amount. If we choose a percentage, the percentage will apply on the membership but on the Bolt-On too. 

If we make a suspension and that the suspension includes a due date on a Bolt-On with yearly direct debit, so this Bolt-On will never be concerned by the discount (in % or amount). We do not apply the discount on the due dates on yearly Bolt-Ons. 

If there is a goodwill gesture on a monthly payment and that the cost of suspension is higher, so the goodwill gesture predominates. If we indicate a percentage and there is a goodwill gesture, so the monthly payment  gets to zero in all cases.  

When we decrease the amount of a due date, the amount entered is actually the amount which will be collected. If we put £10 for monthly memberships so the client will be debited £10 (it's not a discount on the initial payment, this is the collected amount). The same in the case of a weekly direct debit membership if we put a £5 amount it's really £5 a week that will be collected and not  a £5 discount on the initial amount.
  • Cancellation of online suspension

It is possible to allow the cancellation of online suspension. To do that, tick the box 'Authorise the cancellation of online suspension". Three settings are then to be configured:

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1. Prohibit the cancellation of a suspension, if it starts in less than X days: in this field, indicate the deadline to be able to cancel a suspension, this avoids members cancelling at the last minute before it starts, for management reasons for example.

2. Maximum number of cancellations per day and per contact: to avoid members having the right to suspend then cancel the suspension of one or more memberships several times in the same day.

3. Also allow cancellations of suspensions created in a club: here, unchecking the box prevents members from cancelling suspensions done at the club.


  • Go to Settings > Clubs / Legal, and click on the club concerned then on the tab 'Cancellation'. After that, you should tick the box ' Allow online cancellation'. 
  • In all cases, the member will only be able to cancel on a renewal date and not on an open date. For explanations of renewal dates, click here.


  • You can prohibit the online cancellation when the member has a debt. In this case, tick the corresponding box and specify the amount of the debt which will not allow to cancel online. 
  • Next, you should specify the keywords which allow or do not allow to cancel online.
  • Provide the reasons for cancellation which will be available online.
  • Finally, you must specify whether you allow the cancellation only for memberships or for also for bolt-ons. The cancellations of bolt-ons follow the same process as for memberships (engagement date/month anniversary). 

Useful information

1) The spot payment memberships or the Direct Debit fixed-term memberships could not be cancelled before the end of the membership. 

2) In a network, a member affiliated to Club A could not terminate a membership taken in Club B.

3) If a cancellation is already planned on the membership, even in the future, the online cancellation will not be possible. And, a member could never cancel her/his cancellation online. 

4) If the member is not engaged any longer, s/he can cancel whenever s/he wants. 

5) A credit note will always be generated on invoices already issued of future Direct Debits coming after the effective date of cancellation. Those invoices will get to zero. 


Some points of attention about the cancellation of Bolt-Ons

  • The compulsory Bolt-Ons and the 'special' Bolt-Ons cannot be cancelled.
  • If a Bolt-On is 'linked' to a Bundle, then the rest of the Bundle will also be cancelled (Membership or other Bolt-On).
  • Cancellation of cancellations online

It is possible to allow the cancellation of a cancellation online. For that, tick the box "Allow Cancellation of Cancellation Online". Three settings are then to be configured:

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1. Prohibit the cancellation of the cancellation, in the number of days before the effective date of application of the cancellation: in this field, indicate the deadline to able to cancel a cancellation, this avoids members cancelling at the last minute before it starts for management questions for example.

2. Maximum number of cancellations per day and per contact: this avoids member having the right to cancel the cancellation of one or more memberships several times in the same day.

3. Also allow cancellations of cancellations created in a club: unchecking this box prevents members from cancelling cancellations done at the club.


  • In the tab 'Memberships' on the member's profile in the member area, the member finds out her/his memberships and can cancel or suspend according to the rights that you have previously granted.


  • If it is allowed to cancel suspensions or cancellations online, this message is displayed:


  • Then, s/he can choose to go on cancelling or to suspend her/his membership. If s/he decides to go on, then the date of the future monthly payment appears, the member can choose the reason for termination among those you have decided to make visible and finally leave a comment.


  • If the member decides to suspend her/his membership, this screen opens: 


  • After that, the member can choose the start date of her/his suspension and its duration. 

That's it, you know everything about cancellations and suspensions online! 🕵️‍♀️

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