March Release


Family Module Phase 1

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance in flexibility for membership offerings. As a result, we are looking at improving how we can handle families within Resamania. The first step was to create a link between different members and control the access and permissions one member might have over another.

Phase 1 has now been delivered and it allows you to associated a group of members and prospects together as a "Family". Define their role in that group and grant specific family members the ability to book on others behalves. For example, providing a parent access to a child's member area to make bookings on their behalf.




For more information about the Family module, please see the help centre article.

Note: Phase 2 coming later in the year will introduce family memberships where the Head member pays for a combined group membership.


Opt-ins during joining online

We have reviewed the display of opt-ins on the online club registration process. All types of communication are taken into account so that the customers can express their consent.



Making QR codes marketable

We had some requests from clients to make the use of QR access control a product. That is, clubs wanted to sell the option of using a QR code instead of an RFID card. As a result, if your access control is compatible with QR codes, it is now possible to manage them in two different ways:

  1. Marketable: A “badge” product can be created in the catalogue. You can then sell the QR codes in the same way as a you may sell a replacement card. Simply select “Dematerialised” in your catalog when configuring your badge product.



  1. Automatic: You can always automatically deploy a QR code when a customer becomes an active customer. In this case, as soon as the customer changes to an active status, their QR code will automatically be made available on their member area and visible in back office.

To learn more you can see the Help Centre article here.


Refresh buttons on the exports screen

For some very large exports, there can be a slight delay before being available and ready to download on the export screen. To make it easier for the user to know when the export is ready, two new buttons have been added to the page. These will not refresh the whole page but will update the status of the export you are downloading.




Improvements in goodwill gestures

Historically, users have always been able to carry out gestures of credit note, gift, modifying the length of an agreement. With the latest release, we have improved the interfaces concerning gestures and have also added new types.


Users can now modify the validity period of a subscription or a book, add or remove units, increase or reduce the commitment or the price of a subscription. This work was necessary for our exciting Member Referral functionality currently in development.


As always, the actions of goodwill gestures are carried out from the member file by selecting Member Action.


For the creation screens for each of the commercial gestures and all the information about this feature, visit this article from our Help Centre.


Customer File: Being able to deactivate a customer file (GDPR)

For GDPR compliance we’ve introduced a new anonymisation tool that can be used at a member level. The tool will not affect reporting purposes but is permanent, so great care must be taken when using this tool. To activate the tool, please contact the Help Centre. Further information can be found in this article.



Suspension of reservation rights when suspending a subscription

When suspending a membership there is now an option as to whether to suspend the ability to book activities during the suspension. With or without the option, they will still be prevented from accessing the club, but a number of customers were looking to prevent the booking from ever occurring, especially when a membership may be suspended but a PT package still active.



Countermark Code on the Member File

If a member has benefited from a discount using Resamania's countermark feature, the countermark name and code is now displayed on the Membership section of the Smartview tab within the Member File.




Improve History tab within the Member File

As a member's journey with a club ages, more actions are added to their account and consequently the History tab within the the Member File contains more and more detail. Although the information is detailed a long a timeline, it's been acknowledged that it may be useful if this timeline can be integrated more. Consequently, there is now the feature to filter the History tab by date and type of comment.




Storing opt-in modifications

When members make changes to their online account, such as their opt-in preferences or changes to their member photo (if configured), the actions are now noted in the History tab of the Member File.




Permissions on exports

The user roles who can access specific reports can now be configured in Back Office. This means if you want all financial reports inaccessible to specific user groups then they can be. To configure these specific reports, please contact the Support Team.

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