How to set a sales quota ?

You can apply a sales quota on all catalogue offers (memberships, packs, shop products). This feature can be particularly useful in the case of a special offer limited in number for example.

This article gives you the example of how to set a sales quota on packs.

2021-08-05_11h51_01.pngHOW TO SET SALES QUOTAS IN THE CATALOGUE ? 

To set sales quotas on packs in the catalogue, please go to the Management menu > Settings > Catalogue Management > Product Management > Catalogue.

From the Packs tab, select a pack and open the pricing.


Please click on the three small dots on the top right of the price offer to show the option 'Add a sales quota'. So the quota will apply on this price precisely.


The selected quantity is consistent with the quota, that is to say, each time the offer is sold, the quota is updated. It is the same principle as the stock debit, when a product is sold, the stock is debited.

The sales quota can be changed afterwards.

sales_quota_3_.png 2021-08-05_11h51_01.pngWHAT HAPPENS IN THE SALES TUNNEL ? 

At the sale, the offer is displayed with the remaining quota. 


And if you try and sell an offer with a maximum quota reached, a warning message pops up : 'The maximum quota for this offer has been reached'. 


2021-08-05_11h51_01.pngWHAT HAPPENS IN THE MEMBER AREA ? 

When the quota is reached, the offer is not displayed in the shop in the member area.

When you add a higher quantity than the quota to the cart, you cannot add the offer to the cart, a warning message pops up 'This offer is not available at the sale anylonger'. 


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